This is a very rare opportunity to own a 1367Ha generational commercial irrigation farm, that lies on the Weipe tract of land, with registered water supply of 1018Ha from the Limpopo River (Scheme) and boreholes.
BidEasy Auctioneers in association with Bidders Choice
Register to bid: / 0861 444 242
The farming activities on the farm are primarily cash crops including Cotton, Potatoes rotating with various other cash crops. There is 256Ha of land that is designed for the potential of citrus farming.
The main farming practice is cotton and tomato farming in summer & potatoes, wheat, pumpkin / butternut on a rotation basis and according to market requirements and demand.
Commercial Farm
This is an established farm that is fully equipped and irrigated with sufficient water to sustain farming. The farm has been owned and operated for commercial gain for 3 generations.
Due to this infrastructure, the farm can produce 4 harvests per 2 year cycle / 2 crops per annum. This provides diversification of income and increased resilience in market fluctuations.
The infrastructure on the farm is extensive with regards to irrigation, pivots, water reticulation, buildings and 2 processing plants. There are water rights for 1018Ha and it is linked to the Eskom grid for its main power supply needs.
The topography of the farm slopes gradually in a northerly direction towards the river. The soil has a dark brown / red color type – Hutton type, with mainly a sandy / loam texture type. The climate in this area is moderate and ideal for crop farming.
Dragon-Line Mobile Drip and normal Pivots and dripline Irrigation covers the whole farm. Probes are also used to monitor irrigation, and props are installed to manage the water reticulation optimally. This highly efficient irrigation system reduces the amount of water required on pivots as well as the electricity output. Dual valves on pivots allows for sprayers or mobile drip to be used. The water saving and the electricity saving is approximately 40% - 60%.
To manage the rate and velocity of runoff, the farm has established run off canals as well as barriers on the curvatures of the pivots to minimize the concentrations of runoff volume and to slow down the runoff velocity, allowing the water more time to soak into the soil, limiting its capacity to transport soil particles and diminishing its ability to cause scour erosion. Additionally, 30 000 meters of subsurface drainage has been installed.
There is a complete commercial cotton processing plant, Cotton Gin. One of only 6 in South Africa. The sector is within an industry that has potential to grow rapidly, as it is a commodity that was in short supply the world over, with an international shortage recorded in the 2024/2025 season.
The farm has 2.4m Game Fencing around the entire farm with 24 Strands. The fencing around the homestead is diamond mesh.
The subdivision of the farm into 3 portions has been approved.
The farming activity in this farming node along the Weipe tract of land, where this farm is located, is orchard farming, with cash crops and game farming. It is well known for its superb soil quality, water availability and climate.
The location allows niche market access due to the timing and quality produced from the area.
Cash crop farming units with citrus farming are the bulk of the farming practices along the Limpopo River, due to the soil condition, good water quality and irrigation infrastructure in place.
The farm is located in the Limpopo province near the town of Musina, which is predominantly a summer rainfall area. The average rainfall for the area is 250 mm - 350 mm per year. The average daily summer temperature is between 25°C and 40°C and the average daily winter temperature is between 8°C and 25°C. This is a frost and hail storm free zone, but they may occasionally occur.
Farm Layout
The farm has an irregular shape, predominantly flat with gentle sloping in various directions, and towards the Limpopo River.
Irrigation Site Plan
The irrigated farmland used for crop generation consists of various blocks that are divided into pivots and orchards. Dragon-Line mobile drip on Pivots and normal Dripline Irrigation covers the whole farm. Probes are also used to monitor irrigation, and props are installed to manage the water reticulation optimally.
Water Rights
The main water supply is from the Limpopo River, and boreholes from this aquifier, which is pumped to balancing dams then reticulated to the farmlands. 1018Ha water sources are registered with the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. There are 48 boreholes on the banks of the river and 9 inside the river bed. The pumps are submersible and centrifugal pumps.
Irrigation Method
Dragon-Line Mobile drip irrigation on Dual System Pivots is the preferred method of irrigation on this farm to the efficiency and the reduction in water consumption by approximately 40% - 60% and the saving on electricity by approximately 40% - 60%.
The Remaining Extent of Farm Alyth is approximately ± 1367.3484Ha. The application to sub-divide the Farm into 3 portions is approved by the council and the Department of Agriculture.
The Surveyor General Diagrams regarding the servitudes are presented at the end of the Information Pack document.
The 3 individual portions and then the combined 3 portions will be offered at auction in 4 lots.
There is a farmyard with 3 residential homes, lapa, pool, related commercial buildings, outbuildings and goat pens and goat handling facilities. There is a large site office, workshops, sheds, etc.
Cotton Gin and Potato Packaging Plant
The farm has a Cotton Gin Plant as well as a Potato Packaging Plant.
Airstrip and Hanger
1000m airstrip and an aircraft Hanger.
Staff Accommodation
There are 65 housing units for the staff as well as ablutions. They have a Church Halll and Restroom with ablutions/
256Ha Irrigated Land Ideal for Citrus Farming
There is 256Ha of land that is already designed for the potential of citrus farming.
Game Farm
The southeastern part of the farm is Bushveld with a Hunters facility.
Hunters Facility
The hunters camp consists of accommodation, a flatlet and bungalows for overnight visitors, ablutions a Butchery and a Cold Room, which located near the Farm HQ.
House 1 - 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, with kitchen, laundry, scullery, lounge, dining room, family room and separate toilet, with air conditioners.
House 2 - Partly double storey - 6 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, with kitchen, laundry, scullery, lounge,
dining room, family room and separate toilet, air conditioners, alarm system.
House 3 - 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, with kitchen, scullery, lounge, and dining room, air conditioners, alarm system.
3 x Garages
2 Thatched Lapa’s
2 Swimming Pools
Thatched Lapa -Closed Sides - Game View Point
Hunters Facilities
Lean-to at
Workers' Accommodation
65 Units
Workers Ablutions
Church Hall
Additional Ablution and Restroom for workers at Farm HQ and at the Cotton Gin
Agri Buildings
Chemical Storeroom .
Workshop - Tractor Shed
Workshop - 2 Sheds - 1 closed and the 2nd Partly Closed on 3 sides with cement floors
Workshop - Shed Open Sides with cement floors
Workshop - Wash Bay with cement flooring
Workshop – Office
3 Workshops - Spares Storeroom and Small Storeroom Attached
Slaughter Room / Cool Rooms (Excluding Equipment)
Pump Station
Main Pump Station
2 Additional Pump Stations
Workers Room at Pump Stations
Cotton Gin Plant
Plant Building
Workshop Area
Storage Shed
Storage Lean-to
2 Loading Bays
Potato Processing Plant
Potato Pack Shed
Potato Cleaning Bay at Pack